Allied Health Services

Help to connect your health services

At Lifestage, we understand the complexities of recovery and rehabilitation after a hospital stay or injury. Our extensive network of trusted allied health professionals ensures you receive comprehensive, coordinated care tailored to your specific needs. Here's how we can support you:

Comprehensive Allied Health Support

Whether you need a speech therapist, podiatrist, physiotherapist, or any other allied health professional, Lifestage can facilitate the connection. We provide detailed information and manage appointments and transportation based on your personalised care plan. Funding for these services may be covered by your Home Care Package, depending on your plan's stipulations.

Diverse Health Services

Lifestage can assist you in accessing a wide range of services to support your health and recovery:

  • Therapeutic Services: Including speech therapy, podiatry, and occupational therapy.
  • Vision and Hearing Care: Access to optometry and audiology services*.
  • Nutritional and Emotional Support: Services such as nutrition planning, psychology, and counselling.

*Please note: While we facilitate access to optometry and audiology, these services are not fundable through a Home Care Package.

Referral Coordination

A referral is typically required to see allied health professionals. Lifestage streamlines this process, providing you the referrals you require to avoid delays and minimise out-of-pocket expenses. You can utilise Medicare or your Home Care Package funds for coverage, according to your circumstances.

Navigating Healthcare with Ease

As your healthcare advocate, Lifestage leverages decades of experience to navigate referrals, waiting lists, and both public and private services. We understand the system and are adept at cutting through the complexities to get you the care you need efficiently and effectively.

Lifestage is here to support your journey to recovery with trusted care and expert guidance every step of the way.